In addition to putting the power of the marketing and promotion efforts of Visit Greater Palm Springs (Visit GPS) behind your business goals, your investment in Visit GPS supports our local tourism community – putting people to work, contributing to the creation of economic opportunity, and enhancing our quality of life.
Advertise on
Preferred and Featured listings, as well as other website advertising placements are available to Coachella Valley tourism businesses. Learn more about how our website advertising can drive additional visitor traffic directly to your website. Click Here for details
Sponsorship and Promotional Opportunities

Complimentary registration for all employees to Visit GPS monthly networking events and educational events
2 Registrations included for all Tourism Foundation fundraising events (including the Golf Tournament and Champions of Hospitality)
Logo Inclusion
Logos are displayed at all Visit GPS networking and education events as well as on the dedicated Corporate Partner webpage on the Visit GPS website
Website Listing
Includes at least one website listing on, for businesses that do not qualify for a free Tourism Partner listing
Monthly Guide Magazine Directory
Your 20-word description, business name, and contact info included in the directory section of the monthly “GUIDE” magazine produced by Palm Springs Life
Complimentary registration for all employees to Visit GPS monthly networking events and educational events
Up to 10 registrations included for all Tourism Foundation fundraising events (including the Golf Tournament and Champions of Hospitality)
Logo Inclusion
Oasis Partner logos are displayed at all Visit GPS networking events as well as on the footer of all pages of the Visit GPS website
Website Listing
Preferred listing placement with “Featured” tag for all website listings
Monthly Guide Magazine Directory
Your 20-word description, business name, and contact info included in the directory section of the monthly “GUIDE” magazine produced by Palm Springs Life
Mention in the Annual Digital Visitors Guide
Dedicated Eblast
Send one dedicated email to the Visit GPS Partner database once a year
Co-Op Marketing Discount
Receive a $1000 credit toward Visit GPS Partner Co-Ops including digital billboards and other marketing Co-Ops
Receive complimentary TEAM GPS Champions training registration for up to 30 staff, either online, self-paced or in a private group class (approx. $1,500 value)
One complimentary Emerging Leaders Training Course (approx. $980 value)
For more information about the opportunities below, contact Visit GPS at or 760-969-1360.